Announcements for Exporters

Australia to all North East Asian Ports (China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea) - General Rate Increase (GRI)

Effective – 4th May, 2012 for all shipments ex Australia to the above destinations a General Rate Increase (GRI) will apply.

Australia to all South East Asian Ports (Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam and Indonesia) - General Rate Increase (GRI)

Effective – 4th May, 2012 for all shipments ex Australia to the above destinations a General Rate Increase (GRI) will apply.

Australia to Nhave Sheva  - Container Imbalance Surcharge (CIS)

Effective – 7th May, 2012, from Australia to Nhave Sheva India there will be a revision of the Container Imbalance Surcharge.  This will be payable by the consignee at destination.

Australia to US West Coast – Emergency Revenue Charge (ERC)

Effective – 16th May, 2012, the ERC from the above ports will be removed.


Melbourne Office Print
PO Box 1453 Tullamarine, Victoria 3043 Australia
106-110 Lambeck drive,Tullamarine, Victoria 3043 Australia

Sales:[email protected]

Air Import Documentation:[email protected]

Sea Import Documentation:[email protected]
