Italy to Australia and New Zealand – Piracy Risk Surcharge (PRS)

Effective – 5th May, 2012 on all shipments from Italy to Australia and New Zealand a Piracy Risk Surcharge will be implemented.

Mediterranean to Australia and New Zealand – Suez Canal Surcharge (SCS)

Effective – 5th May, 2012 on all shipments from the Mediterranean to Australia and New Zealand a Suez Canal Surcharge will be implemented.

South East Asian Ports (Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines) to Australia – General Rate Increase (GRI)


Effective – 1st May, 2012, on all shipments from the above origins to Australia a GRI will apply.

Terminal Handling Charge -Port Botany (THC)


Effective -  17th May 2012, there will be a review of the Import THC at Port Botany,Sydney.


Northbound/Southbound - Terminal Handling Charge (THC)

Effective – 1st June, 2012, to /from Australia to Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and China there will be a revised THC.

South East Asia (Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Philippines) to Australia – General Rate Increase (GRI)

Effective – 1st June, 2012 on all shipments from the above origins to Australia a GRI will apply.

China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea to Australia– General Rate Increase (GRI)


Effective – 15th May, 2012, on all shipments from the above origins                                            to Australia a GRI will apply.

Destination Terminal Handling Charge (DTHC) – to Australia

Effective – 5th June, 2012 on all General and Reefer shipments there will be a review of the DTHC.

Melbourne Office Print
PO Box 1453 Tullamarine, Victoria 3043 Australia
106-110 Lambeck drive,Tullamarine, Victoria 3043 Australia

Sales:[email protected]

Air Import Documentation:[email protected]

Sea Import Documentation:[email protected]
