Port of Townsville to fund $55m berth upgrade


Port of Townsville will next year commence a $55m upgrade to Berth Four in order to receive Panamax-size vessels and increase capacity. 

The project will double the capacity of berth 4, allowing an additional 2m tonnes of product per annum, and increase the total port tonnage throughput by 20%. A landside cargo handling area will be built, and the redevelopment will also improve the intermodal transfer of cargo to both road and rail, according to the Port, which expects the new facility to be operational by late 2017.

“This latest investment is part of a program of works that will put Townsville on the map to deliver frequent and direct services to international markets,” said Ranee Crosby, Port of Townsville’s chief executive officer. Meanwhile, Queensland’s minister for ports Mark Bailey said the investment demonstrates the need to keep vital assets in public hands. 

Berth Four currently handles around 800,000 tonnes of product and sees trade revenue of approximately $5m per year. Cement is the berth’s primary import, via a pipeline to an off-berth storage facility.

The investment follows recently completed $170m port funded upgrades to berths eight and ten, and a $40m investment by the port’s two major stevedoring companies, Northern Stevedoring Services and Townsville Bulk Storage and Handling, to improve warehousing and cargo storage areas.The ports handled 62,299 teus last year and 10m tonnes of more than 30 different commodity types; trade was valued at over $8bn.

Port of Townsville has been in operation for over 150 years. 

















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