Increase in SER (Carrier Security Service)

The Carrier Security Service (SER) covers the cost to remain compliant with the security standards imposed by the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code.

The ISPS Code is intended to protect terminals and shipping against acts of terrorism and has been introduced in July 2004 by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). This is a set of security measures aimed at protection of vessels and port facilities engaged in international trade.

The safety standards undergo a strict surveying, verification, certification and controlling to ensure that security measures are properly implemented. In case the ships do not meet the security requirements, they risk to be turned away at ports.

As from 15th June, 2012 there will be an increase in this fee by the shipping lines.

Port of Melbourne Corporation (PoMC) 2012 -12 Reference Tariff Schedule.

Please find below a link to the Port of Melbourne Corporation's (PoMC) 2012-13 Reference Tariff Schedule (RTS) for port charges which will apply from 1 July 2012.

The RTS outlines the full range of tariffs and fees charged by PoMC including wharfage, channel fees, and charges for other ancillary services. The tariffs are consistent with PoMC's Pricing Policy Statement (PPS).

The 2012-13 RTS is significantly influenced by the requirements of the Port Management Amendment (Port of Melbourne Corporation Licence Fee) Act 2012 (Vic) for PoMC to remit an annual Port Licence Fee (PLF) to the Victorian Government at a starting rate of $75 million in 2012-13.

The 2012-13 Reference Tariff schedule can be accessed HERE. (Right click to open hyperlink)



The Maritime Union of Australia's National Secretary Paddy Crumlin has expressed concern that wharfies have been unfairly targeted by an Australian Federal Police (AFP) crackdown on waterfront crime.

While the Union has expressed support for the "comprehensive efforts to reduce crime in the Australian import/export and supply chain sector," Mr Crumlin said there was no case for focusing solely on the stevedoring workforce.
“The overwhelming majority of the stevedoring workforce are law abiding and today’s measures are targeting innocent people and their livelihoods,” Mr Crumlin said.
“Of the 16 arrests made since July 2010, only one person was a waterfront worker, and another a former waterfront worker, so there is a bigger picture that needs to be focused on.
“Weaknesses in crime detection have been identified in the sector including customs, quarantine and private sector management of freight forwarding and stevedoring.
“The MUA is committed to the elimination of any crime in the small part of the sector in which we have influence but we question whether Maritime Security Identification Card (MSIC) is the right tool.”
At the time of introduction, the MSIC and Aviation Security Identification Card (ASIC) were focused on preventing terrorist attacks rather than serious and organised crime.
“The MUA is yet to be convinced that the ASIC and MSIC schemes should be extended to the prevention of non-terrorism related crime and we question the use of criminal intelligence on ethical and legal grounds,” Mr Crumlin said.
“This announcement raises more questions than answers. They’re getting counter-terrorism mixed up with law and order. Any scheme needs to be transparent and consistent with high standards of human rights and justice principles.
“Roughly 30 per cent of ships in the domestic transport sector have foreign seafarers with no background checks. This was not covered by Taskforce Polaris or in the Minister’s statement this morning and is another serious flaw in the stated methodology of dealing with both terrorism and crime prevention.
“The burning question for us is whether they will apply the MSIC scheme to seafarers on coastal voyages and to other areas in the supply chain and what other measures they are taking for criminal intelligence on foreign crews,” Mr Crumlin said.
The MUA claims multiple reports have identified gaps in the administration of the ASIC and MSIC schemes in this area, pointing to a report issued last year by the Auditor General that stated there were “inherent vulnerabilities associated with having a large number of issuing bodies”.
“We hope this is not just another Trojan horse to undermine the rights of transport workers,” Mr Crumlin said.
“This was set up as an anti-terrorism measure and is now transforming into a crime fighting measure. Why unnecessarily alienate a workforce which is complying with the current rules?”

Source: Baird Maritime 29th May 2012       


ASF urges to continue fight against piracy

Piracy remained at the top of the agenda at the 21st Asian Shipowners’ Forum (ASF), which concluded its annual meeting in Port Douglas, Australia this week.

Over the past seven years, more than 62 seafarers have been murdered and more than 3,000 have been held hostage from the almost 200 ships hijacked by Somali pirates. These hijacks occured off the coast of Somalia, the Gulf of Aden and in the wider Indian Ocean. Piracy has cost the global economy an estimated USD 5 to 7 billion in 2011. These costs included protective measures to safeguard ships and crew, increased insurance costs, as well as millions of dollars in ransom money.

The ASF acknowledged the European Council's naval operation which occurred in March of this year, in which Naval Forces were permitted to take disruptive action against known pirate supplies on the Somalia shore. Mr Noel Hart, Chairman of the 21st ASF said, “The operations carried out by EU Naval Forces on 15 May 2012 to disrupt pirate supplies and bases on the Somali shoreline is welcome and has sent a clear signal that piracy cannot be tolerated. Blatant attacks on innocent ships and seafarers must be stopped! The ASF urges continuing and stronger political will to address the root causes of piracy – on land in Somalia.” 

Mr Li Shanmin, the Chairman of the Seafarers Committee, said “The situation continues to be a serious crisis, one that deeply affects the mental health of seafarers and their families. The threat cannot be forgotten and we demand that all possible action is taken to alleviate the situation." The ASF states it remains deeply concerned for the well-being of the 197 seafarers currently being held hostage on hijacked ships, as well as seven Indian seafarers who continued to be held hostage despite payment of ransom.

Mr Yusumi Kudo, Chairman of the Shipping Economics Review Committee, stated that: "Amid the unprecedented challenges affecting the world economy, including the shipping industry, world trade is seriously threatened by piracy. The global community cannot ignore this serious problem. Shipowners continue to absorb a large portion of the additional cost and this burden must be shared collectively by all stakeholders. The situation is especially exacerbated in container trades due to soaring bunker prices, in that each shipping company must consider whether to operate vessels with armed personnel on board or at an increased speed.”

Source : Baird Maritime 23rd May, 2012


TSA Cargo Screening Rule

Every single piece of cargo on commercial passenger flights landing at US airports will have to be pre-screened after 3 December 2012, according to the US Transport Security Administration's latest air travel security ruling.

The measure's announcement comes close to five years after the 9/11 Commission Act first urged for such a cargo screening rule to come into force.

It requires explosives checks be carried out on all US-inbound air cargo, calling for universal "risk-based, intelligence-drive procedures" and selective "enhanced screening" on objects deemed high-risk.

"Harmonizing security efforts with our international and industry partners is a vital step in securing the global supply chain", John Pistole, Administrator at the TSA, explained in a release on the TSA cargo screening rule. "By making greater use of intelligence, TSA can strengthen screening processes and ensure the screening of all cargo shipments without impeding the flow of commerce."

It's commonplace for passenger carrying-airlines to include commercial cargo alongside standard luggage and, at present, this is all security-assessed before it leaves the US.


Such screening's either undertaken by the airlines themselves or volunteers involved in the TSA's strictly-regulated Certified Cargo Screening Program (CCSP). Over 500 TSA-approved inspectors are spread across the US while, outside the US, there's over 100 more.

International Cargo Screening Deadline

In making this latest international cargo screening deadline announcement, the TSA has restated its pledge to cooperate on air cargo security with its foreign counterparts, overseas governments and other international organisations.

According to the TSA, CCSP allows firms to screen cargo at the point where it's packaged and bypass screening airport screening queues and it's backed by both the air carrier and the air freight industries. Participation in the Certified Cargo Screening Program is open to all facilities that supply cargo to air carriers on a direct basis. Included, therefore, are manufacturing firms, distribution centres, warehouses, airport cargo handlers and third party logistics suppliers.

Source: Airport Int’l News May, 2012


Melbourne Airport Near-Misses Data Released

Australia's Melbourne Airport has been the scene of two recent aircraft near-misses, according to an inquiry. The potential collisions both occurred within the past two years and took place in pretty similar circumstances.

Both times, an airliner had just taken off from Melbourne and was leaving the area at a slow rate of climb. Another airliner, meanwhile, had since taken off and was climbing much more rapidly - the separation between the two disappearing by the second.

The investigation looked at Melbourne Airport's ATC staff and why the pilots flying each of the airliners involved weren't informed of the approaching dangers.

Melbourne Near-Misses

The investigators examining both Melbourne near-misses discovered that, each time, the minimum 5.6 kilometre horizontal separation criteria had been infringed and only now are Melbourne Airport's takeoff protocols being amended, according to the Australian Transport Safety Bureau.

The first Melbourne Airport near-miss was recorded on 5 December 2010 and involved a Boeing 737 twin-engined airliner operated by Virgin Australia. With a heavy complement of passengers and fuel, this 737 climbed more slowly than usual into the air and ATC were informed of this. Within the standard 60-second timeframe, a Qantas Boeing 767 followed the Virgin aircraft, with both types cleared to an altitude of 24,000 feet. As a result of the first aircraft's limited speed, the gap between them surpassed 5.6 kilometres and dropped to as little as 3.5 kilometres.

"At no stage did the controller issue a traffic alert to the crew of either aircraft", the investigation team said in their airport near-miss data report, adding, of the ATC workers, they "expected the 737 and 767 would climb at similar speeds."

Meanwhile, in October 2011, a Jetstar Airbus A320 lifted off from Melbourne, with a Virgin Australia Boeing 737 following on behind. Just as before, the Airbus was heavily weighed-down and climbed gradually, while the 737 closed in on it, getting as close as 3.9 kilometres behind.

"The procedures at Melbourne required no minimum speeds for departing aircraft...with no documented requirements to ensure jet aircraft would maintain a set climb speed", the investigators added - stating this constituted a "significant safety issue."

However, just over a month ago, a revision to Melbourne Airport's procedures for departing aircraft was submitted to Australia's Civil Aviation Safety Authority. This, if adopted, could minimise the risk of these types of encounters ever again occurring.

Source: Airport Int’l News May 2012

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